unwanted rests

• Dec 19, 2017 - 06:22

hello I was inquiring how to eliminate unwanted rests


Voice 1 rests cannot get deleted, you can't delete silence. Rests from voices 2-4 can get deleted, just select and press Del.
You can hide rests though, select and press V

Also, if you are talking about the rests MuseScore creates by default to make sure each measure has the proper number of beats, be aware that these need to be there in order for musical notation to be correct. If you are wanting to get rid of them because you actually want notes, just enter the notes - they will replace the rests automatically. Or if you want a measure with fewer beats than the time signature dictates, right click the measure, Measure Properties, and change the "Actual duration".

If things still aren't clear, please attach your score and describe what you are trying to do and why.

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