7 in a circle for major 7

• Dec 20, 2017 - 15:51

Is it possible to add the above symbol?

Best would be a one key shortcut to make this appear.


This isn't a standard musical symbol in this context so it isn't part of the SMuFL standard that I am aware of and thus not part of the fonts we include. That said, if you have a font of your own that includes this character and you use that font for your chord symbols, you can include it same as any other special character, by pressing F2 while typing your text and selecting it from the Unicode section of the dialog.

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

I always have preferred the simplest way. I still use the o with a slash through it for 1/2 dim.

Another thing that has bothered me is that I have recently found out that people accept the triangle as meaning only "major". I learned many years ago that it meant Maj. 7.

If it means only major, it is useless as major is also indicated by mentioning only the chord as in "C". There is no need for the triangle.

Just had a discussion about this in a rehearsal with some very knowledgeable musicians.

In reply to by xavierjazz

In the early days, we used only the triangle symbol for maj7. like: C∆
But some musicians didn't understand and asked :"What does this triangle mean?".
In some cases, the chord symbols looked like hieroglyphs. like: C∆+
We added the number 7 because we saw it used in some books. ex: C∆7, C∆7+

I don't think the triangle means Major.
I have associated triangle's sharp looking with the sharp sound of Maj7 chord (in my mind), like round dim symbol with round sound of dim.

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