MuseScoreNightly-2017-12-30-1025-master-65a3873 crash when I load my score

• Jan 1, 2018 - 12:59


I download the last musescore Nightly build (MuseScoreNightly-2017-12-30-1025-master-65a3873). Application crashed when I launched it. So i used "revertToFactorySettings", and resolved the problem. But when I want to load my score, it crash again.

Thx !

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Stack traCE.
1 std::__atomic_base::load atomic_base.h 396 0xb3e47c
2 QAtomicOps::load qatomic_cxx11.h 227 0xb3e47c
3 QBasicAtomicInteger::load qbasicatomic.h 102 0xddd41c
4 QtPrivate::RefCount::ref qrefcount.h 55 0xdc7d9f
5 QString::QString qstring.h 919 0xda1cee
6 Ms::StaffText::channelName stafftext.h 60 0xdea824
7 Ms::MasterScore::updateChannel rendermidi.cpp 137 0x80d16e
8 Ms::Score::read read300.cpp 261 0x93340c
9 Ms::MasterScore::read read300.cpp 272 0x933751
10 Ms::MasterScore::read300 read300.cpp 326 0x933aaf
11 Ms::MasterScore::read1 scorefile.cpp 928 0x8de469
12 Ms::MasterScore::loadCompressedMsc scorefile.cpp 792 0x8dd5e9
13 Ms::MasterScore::loadMsc scorefile.cpp 843 0x8ddb1f
14 Ms::MasterScore::loadMsc scorefile.cpp 835 0x8dda4e
15 Ms::readScore file.cpp 2104 0x5cd389
16 Ms::MuseScore::readScore file.cpp 329 0x5bd742
17 Ms::MuseScore::dropEvent musescore.cpp 2015 0x48cf62
18 ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent 0x20fcc69a
19 ?? 0x28c448

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