Can rests be hidden?

• Jan 24, 2018 - 04:28

I'm using two voices in this measure (and other measures of this piece) and it's clearly getting messy to read. Is there a way of hiding rests? Clearly many of these are extraneous and can be hidden.

I apologize if this has been asked before, I haven't been able to find it by searching here.


FWIW, the normal rules of notation would require you to show at least some of those rests, in order to clarify what beat those sixteenths enter on. Without the rests, it won't be obvious because they don't align with anything else. Most editors would call for those rests to still be shown if this is the measure you are dealing with. if there are still more notes or rests to be added, that may or may not apply; I'd need to know more about the actual context.

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