Piano sheet cant make different dynamics for tremble and bass clef
So I'm trying to make some piano music and it just annoyes me over and over again that when i try to put dynamics for the right hand the the left hand follows and vice versa. When i try to put different for both it follows the left hand like for god sakes how do you put that right and left will have different, i wanna mek the left hand quieter and right louder so the left hand wonnt eat the melody up...
In Inspector you can adjust whether a dynamic or hairpin applies to staff, part or system, part being the default
But note, published sheet music rarely does this. It's something good pianists just know to do themselves. So don't assume you should add dynamics for this purpose. If you wish to do this so the computer-generated playback will be more accurate, you might want to then make the extraneous dynamics (the ones human musicians wouldn't need) invisible by pressing "V" after entering them. or, instead of using dynamics for this purpose, use the Velocity properties of the notes themselves in the Inspector to quiet certain passage (with a negative offset).