Midi playback

• Feb 17, 2018 - 21:47

Is it possible to slow down the tempo when using Midi playback of a score?



The above suggestion (Play Panel) is how to temporarily slow down, for practice purpose or for helping you figure out if you've entered the music correctly. To actually change the tempo of the piece permanently, tell MuseScore to do it the same you tell the human musician who will eventually read the music - with a tempo text from the Tempo palette at the beginning of the score. See the Handbook under "Tempo" for more info.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think I have the same question as Defiant. I did not set the tempo when I began writing the score (first time user) so I do not have an existing tempo mark to edit. I DO see the tempo palette but I do NOT know how and where to insert it. The only thing I knew to try was drag and drop. It drags but it doesn't stay. How is the silly thing supposed to work?

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