Display available shortcut in the tooltips

• Feb 19, 2018 - 09:03

Hello there,

This is my first post ever in this forum!

When pointing a tool in the palettes, the tooltip could display the suitable shortcut (if available). Like in the menus.
For instance, instead of “Staccato”, the tooltip could display “Staccato (Shift+S)”.

That feature would be very helpful for newcomers, as it would immediately inform us about the availability of a shortcut, and it would be a very effective way to progressively learn existing ones.


In reply to by cadiz1

OK, that’s good to know. But part of my point is that newcomers wouldn’t have to search the manual for shortcuts. If they have to edit themselves the tooltip, I assume they have to find themselves the shortcut too, which is just... user-unfriendly... I mean, I didn’t know that very shortcut existed until last week. And what about new shortcuts, which will arrive with new versions of MuseScore? That feature would guarantee that everybody can eventually acknowledge these new shortcuts.

In reply to by froisois

"I assume they have to find themselves the shortcut too, which is just... user-unfriendly... "
Maybe, but a simple way: to access and find these shortcuts, easily, you can print them in: Edit -> Preferences -> Shortcuts -> Print
Then, you have all your time to take a look to these shortcuts and learn them (that's what I did when I started with MuseScore, and apparently, it went well!) :)
But if it is possible automagically (?) to display the shortcut with the tooltips, why not indeed.

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