Lyrics Editor (GSoC 2018 project)

• Feb 24, 2018 - 14:02

I have been reading the ideas list of Google Summer of Code 2018 project, and the lyrics editor got my attention (probably because that's the most one I understood).
However, I am kind of new in Open Source and I am not sure where should I start to see the previous code done by Mr. Peter Jones (@shoogle) so that I can try to understand it and maybe have some ideas for modifications in it.
I am not a professional in Music, but I'm familiar with all the things said. And I want to read more about the problems that caused the coding on it to stop, to try to solve some of them, hopefully.
I am in my 1st year in Computer Engineering, Cairo University. I have been using c++ for over a year now, and got used to coding with it, but I'm new to Qt.
Can someone help me to get involved in this?

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