The default Sound Fonts in MuseScore 2.1.0 are licensed as MIT. Can I release music as CC0 1.0 Universal?

• Feb 25, 2018 - 13:19

If I'm using the default Sound Font FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3(which I've done already) can I release the music and sounds I make using that by waiving my sounds/music using CC0 1.0 Universal? I mean what my listeners can hear, am I allowed/do I have the legal right to waive whatever is heard as CC0 1.0 Universal?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The FAQ is wrong.

The music itself can be released as CC0, but any WAVs, MP3s, etc. generated with a soundfont (or multiple thereof) are considered derivative works of both the original notation data (see although they call this MIDI and theoretise about the notation data being GPL, it’s a good example, even if the thread drifts off into considering non-free synthesisers), and therefore, the WAVs, MP3s, etc. produced by the MuseScore synthesiser with the standard MuseScore soundfont are currently (MuseScore 2.1, FluidR3Mono_GM 2.315) also have the MIT licence from apply to them.

Ask your lawyer if in doubt.

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