Cannot delete hyphens

• Feb 27, 2018 - 20:20

I cannot select and delete the errant hyphens from the 2nd line of lyrics. Any ideas?

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Found_A_Peanut.mscz 15.01 KB


For the record:

Hyphens are not meant to be deleted on their own; they disappear automatically if you delete the syllable they are attached to, or replace the hyphen with a space. The problem here is that your lyrics are kind of randomly scattered between notes in the top and bottom staves, and that's not going to work. For example, you want to hyphenate "o-pen" in measure 2, but it won't work because the two notes are on different staves. The extra hyphens are in places where MuseScore was trying to line up a syllable in one staff with the next note in that staff rather than the next you wanted, and that's not something you can change.

If you really need to notate the music this way, you should enter the notes all on one staff, then use the techniques described in the Handbook under "Cross staff notation" to move some of them to appear as if they are in the other staff.

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