brackets around a rest

• Mar 4, 2018 - 06:51

I need to put an optional rest in brackets, as the main note will be sung on the first pass but the rest will apply when the phrase is repeated in the coda, i.e. in bar 5, the 2nd basses sing the C on the first pass but they are silent in the Coda which starts at bar 5.

I can't find any way to do this.

Attachment Size
He's the Lily of the Valley sample.mscz 18.07 KB


Thanks for these suggestions. The first one works, although is a little inelegant. The second one puts brackets around notes, but doesn't want to do so for the rest.

Anyway, I now have my music looking right.

In reply to by DaveMM

Be sure you are looking at the Symbols palette, not the Noteheads palette or Accidentals palette, which indeed don't do rests. The Symbols palette doesn't care. Use the search box at the top of the palette to find "parentheses" or "brackets" and you'll find a variety of sizes that can be attached to rests as well as notes (and other elements too).

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