Left/Right gaps for horizontal frames

• Mar 20, 2018 - 21:48

Someone could be explain, show, how/when/for which use cases, works the left and right gaps of horizontal frames in Inspector? Thanks in advance.



I see the same question, unanswered too, here: https://musescore.org/en/node/54191

In the handbook, it is written: " Notes: (1) "Left Gap" and "Right Gap" are currently unallocated (version 2.1) "

In fact, I do not see it working in all previous 2. versions, and betas versions, and before, until May 2014.

So, I do not know what these left/right gaps were supposed to change regarding horizontal frames.
Postponed feature or other reason? Mystery.

In reply to by cadiz1

Mystery to me too. Since the frame itself is essentially a gap, what could be a possible use of an ability to adjust the left/right gap which couldn't be handled by simply increasing the frame's width?

I can think of one possible situation where the additional properties of left/right gaps would be useful, and that is if there is the ability to make text wrap inside frame and wanted a little margin around that wrapping text.

For instance if had some text that excedeed width:


Then maybe could set wrapping flag, in which case text would automatically wrap when exceed width:


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