Linked mark incorrect when deleting the second last linked staff
press "i" open the instrument window.
After deleting the second last linked staff, the last one will be set as individual staff.
Although this bug is not affect the further interaction and will be disappear by reopen the instruments window.
But the searching logic is incorrect and it does change the _linked property. At
File: instrwidgt
Functions: void InstrumentsWidget::on_removeButton_clicked()
I have no idea whether it will cause unpredictable behaviours.
test file: incorrect_link.mscz
This behaviour is the same since all previous 2.x versions. And as you notice, " this bug is not affect the further interaction and will be disappear by reopen the instruments window." So, why "major" status?
In my memory, this behaviour, even if it seems unexpected of course, has never caused the least concern.
There are other unexpected behaviors, former as well, that also seem harmless.
This one for example (spectacular): #30096: Changes to advanced style properties in tablature causes clef in Instruments to change
Being just a visual glitch, let's make it minor
In reply to This behaviour is the same… by cadiz1
You are right. I'm just be clear about the choosing of priority. Thanks for advising!