Playing all the midi file

• Mar 24, 2018 - 18:21

Hello ,
I've just got MusicScore ; I've imported a Reason midi file of an orchestral work , but it keeps stopping in a place half way through ; also , how do I increase the overall volume of am instrument ?

Cheers ,



You would need to upload your MuseScore file and identify which measure it stops playing.

With Midi, each note probably has a velocity (volume) on it. You can select every thing (with ctrl+a) then click the notes button in the inspector. Find the box labelled Velocity near the bottom (this is the volume). If it says zero change it to something else, click somewhere else in the inspector then change the velocity back to zero. If it's not already 0, you can skip the change it to something else step. This will make the score follow the dynamics on the score.

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