Stray Loud (F) mark

• Jul 1, 2014 - 15:53
S5 - Suggestion

I am new to Musescore; we hired a musician to arrange music for us; she used Musescore.

She is inaccessible, and the problem I am trying to correct so that I can print a clean copy is that there is a stray 'F' (indicating loud) mark that is overlapping the composers' names.

I have tried to select it, but haven't been able to.

Any suggestions as to how I can fix this? I need to delete or remove the 'F' mark.

File is an image showing the problem.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Charles Matthews

Attachment Size
musescorequestion.png 64.43 KB


No one can really help if you only post an image file. Post the actual MuseScore file - if you are insecure as to ownership, copy the file to a new name and remove most of it, and then post that.

Status (old) active closed

I would click on the composer name, far from the F and drag it a bit higher. Then select the F and press Del (or Fn + Backspace on a Mac). Then click on the composer name again, and press Ctrl + R to put it back in place.

If you need more help, please use the forum instead of the issue tracker. The issue tracker is only for bugs in the software.