Fretboard diagrams are not exported to MusicXML
Chord diagrams added in musescore are not exported to musicxml files.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create new Musescore file.
2) Select instruments.
3) Add one acoustic guitar stave and one linked tab stave.
4) Using the advanced palette, add any chord diagram.
5) Export the file to musicxml.
6) No chord diagram is in the file (I tried visualizing the file using Soundslice's mxl viewer and manually inspecting the xml content).
Note : there is an old related issue (#95886) where it is said that diagrams with a chord symbol should be exported without problem. This is not the case here as I made sure that there was a chord symbol is linked to the diagram here.
Problem reproduced with MuseScoreNightly-202004091016-master-13a302f-x86_64.AppImage
After trying with the
version that I built myself, I got the following message displayed on the console upon exporting to musicxml:> mscore/exportxml.cpp:Ms::annotations: seg 0x556e78e8c070 found fretboard diagram 0x556e7a249480 w/o harmony: cannot write
However, if I use the object debugger on the diagram, I can see that
object does have aHarmony
child in the hierarchy.Also, I think this issue should be linked to #270643.
To #270643: [EPIC] MusicXML import/export issues
Okay, with new tests, I get the following. If I can create a
element and aDiagram
element side by side in the hierarchy, the chord diagram gets exported in musicxml.To do that, I have to:
- create a chord symbol (click a note then ctrl+k);
- add a chord diagram;
- remove the chord symbol associated with the diagram.
If I try to add a chord symbol while a diagram already exists, the new
element is always added as a child to theDiagram
element.That means the problem has a workaround but it's cumbersome and inconveniant.
Ok, I think I found a solution to this. I will try to take some time this week to submit a proper PR.
And the pull request was published on Github.
New PR:
Fixed in branch 3.x, commit 427a5396bc
Fix #303623: Fix multiple issues with chord diagrams in MusicXML export
Fixed in branch 3.x, commit e272335818
Fix #303623: Fix rests in testHarmony7 XML and add to test_mxml_io.cpp following rebase
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
This is broken again in 4.02.
Then open an issue in GitHub and let this here RIP
It seems those fixes went into the 3.x branch only and never got ported over into the master branch
Fixed in branch master, commit 1dbe3675a3
_Fix #303623, GH#16902: Fix multiple issues with chord diagrams in MusicXML export
Port/rebase of @thibault's #5958
For some reason that PR's test files (testHarmony6.mscx, testHarmony6_ref.xml) were already in master (as testHarmony7.mscx, testHarmony7_ref.xml), but not used in the unit tests._
Fixed in branch master, commit 9e573a9f6c
_Merge pull request #16904 from Jojo-Schmitz/mxl_diagram_export
Fix #303623, GH#16902: Fix multiple issues with chord diagrams in MusicXML export_
So now it'll be fixed in 4.4 too
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.