Accidentally saved over a file and can’t recover it

• Mar 25, 2018 - 16:11

So I was wrong a transcription for Mercury from The Planets, and I used my Mars transcription so I wouldn’t have to redo the instrumentation. I deleted everything on my Mars file and was going to click Save As so I could title it Mercury and I’d still have the complete mars file, but I accidentally clicked Save and closed the score by accident. When I opened my Mars file back up, everything was deleted and I couldn’t undo it. How do I recover it? I really don’t want to spend another couple weeks redoing it again.


The autosave may indeed help here, I certainly hope so.

In the future, I highly recommend using a cloud service that automatically backs up your files and keeps track of versions. On Windows, for example, OneDrive does this automatically. Similar capabilities exist using Dropbox, Google Drive, macOS Time Machine, etc.

Note: I've never actually used this feature of OneDrive, but tried it just now and it worked as advertised, from the web site anyhow (I couldn't access the history from Explorer). Seems this would be a very good thing to tell people about when they end up with completely corrupted / unopenable files...

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