Increase staff size w/o increasing width

• Mar 28, 2018 - 16:30

I play in a community orchestra. Some of the music has passages I want to play an octave lower. I have entered those passages into Musescore and want to print and paste them onto the orchestra music I'm playing from. In order to make the Musescore version fit into the music, I need to increase the size/height of the staves but maintain the same margins. Scaling would increase the size of the staff, but since it increases everything proportionally, measures run over into the next line. I need the same 9 measures in a single line.


Increasing the height of staves without adjusting the width is not possible. If the idea is to make it easier for you to see, then I suggest making it a part (use file->parts) and you can adjust the size of the part the way you want (within the same scaling limitations). One limitation to this is that you cannot automatically hear the entire score while looking at a part.

In MuseScore, you can use the image capture tool to make an image of the single line of 9 measures. Then, using an image editing app (e.g. Windows Paint) you can stretch/shrink the image to your liking, as height and width can be adjusted independently.
Then you can print the edited image and (literally) paste it into the orchestra music.


I'm not completely following what you are asking for - are you talking about physically cutting and pasting the print from MuseScore onto another piece of paper? It sounds like you are saying when you increase the scaling, the measures become wider and no longer fit on a single line. You can reduce the width by selecting all and using "Layout / Decrease Stretch".

If that doesn't help, please attach the score you are working with and we can perhaps understand better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, you have the idea exactly right. I'm physically cutting and pasting the print from Musescore onto another piece of paper that has a page of orchestra music on it. I've attached the part I want to paste onto the orchestra music. When I print it, the margins are perfect, but the staff is 3/4 the height of the staff on the music over which I'm pasting this. That might not seem like an issue, but under questionable lighting on stage, it can be tricking to see the notes when they're that much smaller - especially when playing at a good clip.

Attachment Size
Octave Lower.mscz 6.82 KB

In reply to by eileencallleamy

I forgot to add that I experimented with "Decrease Stretch" and "Staff spacing" a lot with this line of music which is how I was able to fit all nine measures on one line, and this size staff seems to be as good as I'm able to do with those options. I also tried reducing the minimum size of the measures so that I could increase "staff spacing" but that didn't work.

In reply to by eileencallleamy

These measures are currently all fitting on one line for me - are they not for you? Or do you mean, you are trying to increase the size from there? If I increase the staff space from 1.18 to 1.58 (a guess as to what you want) they indeed don't, and even after pressing "{" to decrease stretch multiple times it won't quite fit. I can see the notes are already almost touching at that point, so I'm reluctant to mess with the minimum note distance setting in Style / General / Measure, which is the next thing I might normally try. So it kind of feels like a physical impossibility to me, but I guess you are saying it all fit in the original? Seeing a picture of that original measures would help understand how they did it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, the Musescore measures all fit on one line and the margins match the original music (attached). The problem is that the Musescore staff is not as high as the original by 1/4 (if you fit them together, you see the Musescore staff is 3/4 the height of the original). I don't know how they crammed 13 bigger staves onto the same size paper, but they did. Enlarging the Musescore staff by even that extra amount (the size of one extra staff line) I had hoped would help increase the size of the notes.

Attachment Size
Original017.jpg 2.27 MB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

things are far too viskbly "squished".
The distortion acceptability depends on how much vertical stretch is used. OP now states only 25% vertical increase is needed.

FWIW: These measures will be cut and pasted (using scissors/glue) onto a score - also not something done by a real publisher. ;-)

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