[Resolved] Why does Guitar Common Tab position all stems at same vertical position below staff?

• Mar 29, 2018 - 08:43

Attached file was created as new score with only Acoustic Guitar staff plus linked 6-string common tab. I don't know why the stems for the tabs are all below the staff, and at the same vertical position:


This doesn't have with "simple" or "full" tabs. And I don't remember it happening in before 2.2 with common tab.

Attachment Size
guitar_common-tab.mscz 11.08 KB


In reply to by ericfontainejazz

oh well, marked as [Resolved].

For anyone discovering my ignorant post, I should point out that the way to toggle between displaying stems below the staff vs displaying on the staff is to right click the staff, click "Advanced Style Options", click "Note Values" tab, and change the "Stem Style" from "Below Staff" to "Through Staff".

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