Changing head note on 'Mi'

• Mar 29, 2018 - 11:29

I need to show a harmonic in a double bass part. Usually this is shown as a diamond rather than a dot. So I have selected the note 'Mi' in the note head options and overridden the style so that it is not blacked in (see attached ) The blue harmonic note head is a little smaller in size that the black notes and I haven't been able to successfully change the dot size ( have tried increasing this to 140% but it doesn't change). Any thoughts?

Thanks to the community in advance!


Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 11.22.10.png 908.24 KB


"Dot size" refers to the size of the dot of a dotted note (like a "dotted half note" or "dotted quarter note").

The actual note-head itself is not called a "dot" in musescore. It is simply a "note head".

I don't know of a way to selectively increase the size of a particular note head or note head type.

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