Can I tie text to a measures?

• Apr 14, 2018 - 02:43

When I make modifications to a score, text that was formerly above my measures scatters all over the score. Is it possible to tie, (fix, align?) text to a measure so that when the measure moves the text moves with the measure?


All text is tied to a note or rest in the score. Depending on the type of text it may be copied with that note, but it will always remain above that note if you insert measures before that note. The text should always remain in the same relative position to the note or rest it is tied to.

Is there a specific type of text you think moves in a strange manner? Can you explain what is going on with it? Attach a sample score and explain how to recreate the issue.

My best guess is that the text is attached to a specific measure - most text is - but then you manually dragged it to appear over an entirely different measure, and as the score changes, the relative position of the original and new measures changes and hence your manual adjustment is failing. The solution is not to do that - don't attach text to one measure then drag it over another.

As mentioned, if you attach your score, we can assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah, thanks for pointing that out Mike, I understand why it's happening now, and yes, you're right Marc, I had created a template with text boxes created also, ready to place in the correct place when needed. It was supposed to save time creating the text each time, but it was never going to work was it!
I now see that I have to change my method and my workflow right from square one. I'll create all the fundamental elements first and, once I'm happy with the measures and their position then I'll work on the text. Plus, if I do need to make a change along the way I'm now aware of the parent/child relationship of the text.
Thank you both.

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