Missing bottom of score

• Apr 19, 2018 - 18:34

In Continuous View...I can see my entire score. When I print, or export to PDF, or select Page View, the bottom part of the score (3 instruments) gets "chopped off." It does not "run on" to the next page. How can I print everything that is on Continuous View. Thanks.

Attachment Size
Varsity_Letter mom.mscz 15.49 KB


You can't print in continouos mode at all (no wide enough paper available), so MuseScore for printing temporarily switches to page mode. And if the score in page mode is to high to fit the selected page format (A4 or letter), stuff gets chopped off.
So select a bigger page format (e.g. A3 or Tabloid) or a (much) smaller staff space.

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