Multimeasure rests

• Apr 20, 2018 - 18:19

I'm arranging a piece of music for jazz band where I need to have some multimeasure rests, but more often than not I need the actual, blank measure to be displayed for drums. Is there a way to mass edit measures so that I don't have to click through every single measure, one at a time, and mark "break multimeasure rest"? Thanks


Well, you could simply disable multimeasure rests for drums. Or if you only want them for, say, passages of eight bars or longer, you could up the minimum. Both settings are in Style / General. If that doesn't help, mabe attach a score so we can understand the specific situation and advise better. I could imagine quickly adding invisible rehearsal marks to force breaks, or using the arrow buttons in Measure Properties to move from measure to measure more quickly.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That would work, but I need some of the sections to have multimeasure rests in the drums, and some of the passages I need separated are the same length as passages I need together. I've included a score of basically what I'm trying to do, for example, if I wanted the first 8 bar rest and the first 16 bar rest as multimeasure but the second 8 bar rest and the second 16 bar rest separated. The arrow buttons seem to be working out, is there a shortcut to use them instead of clicking them (so I can keep the mouse hovering over the box to break the rest)? Thanks for your help.

Attachment Size
Multimeasure rest.mscz 17.67 KB

In reply to by vigobite

No shortcut unfortunately except the usual "tab" to move between buttons, not sure that's better. Especially since you have to hit "Apply" as well.

I'm not really understanding from this example why you'd want some eighth bar sections to be mmrests and some not. I was hoping something about the musical context would explain make this clear and then from seeing the actual context I could better suggest ways of accomplishing the actual goal. So absent that info, I'd still say the easiest way is probably to add invisible rehearsal marks to each measure you want broken. So for instance, press "M" to turn off mmrests, select the passages, double-click the rehearsal mark in the Text palette, then select the passage again, right click a rehearsal mark, Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection, and press "V". Or, maybe add an invisible rest in voice 2 to the first bar of the passage, then copy and paste desired. Depending on the actual musical context, either of those might make more sense, or some other solution might present itself..

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In the actual piece the drums don't play for the entire time, so there are sections where the drums probably need to see a multimeasure rest. I was trying to make the distinction between playing (empty measures with ad lib) and not playing (multimeasure rests). The actual file is pretty big especially since it's got all the parts divided up, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to delete it later so that's why I didn't want to upload. I think the double bars work like rehearsal marks, right? I'm thinking the invisible rest in voice 2 might be my best option just for time's sake

In reply to by vigobite

If the drums are meant to be actually playing, you shouldn't leave them empty - you should use the standard technique for indicating this, slash notation. Select the region, Edit / Tools / Fill With Slashes. This is the correct way to handle this and works perfectly.

If the drum never need the multimeasure rest, then press m while in the part to make all of them go away. If you want some multimeasure rests, then you must go through the measures you want excluded.

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