Everything's crunched up.

• Apr 30, 2018 - 04:11

For some bizarre reason, looks like page 13 of my score is too congested with black stuff. You can't really read the music, it's quite illegible. Take a gander.

Attachment Size
pianopart(3)-Piano_part(2).mscz 145.18 KB


First of all you need to fix the corruption:
Measure 180 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 37/32
Measure 255 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 1/8

You're doing pretty strange thins thei nominal and actual measure duration, why did you change 6/8 measures to have an actual duration or 4/4?

In measure 151 you change timesig from 4/4 to 4/4 (?!) but with an actual duration of 7/16
In measure 155 change to 1/8, for just that one measure, but not really back to 4/4
In measure 159 change to 1/8, for just that one measure, then to 6/8, that some more weird changes

Your use of ottava lines and clef changes is causing all these collisions of notes with the staff above or below

How did you enter all that, MIDI import?

No bizarre reason at all - your staff / system distance simply aren't wide enough to accommodate all those notes on ledger lines. You could increase those distance throughout the score using the settings mentioned above (in Style / General / Page), but probably better to simply insert spacers from the Breaks & Spacers palette to increase space just for those few staves.

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