Print PDF as page under page rather than side to side.

• May 12, 2018 - 17:59

I am using a foot pedal page turner during performance. I am also using PDF files that I have exported from MuseScore. MuseScore places the pages side to side. This renders my foot pedal page turner inoperative.

Does MuseScore have the capability of placing the pages above each other? Or alternatively, is there something that I could do post process to place the pages in up and down order.

I look forward to hearing about this.



Edit -> Preferences -> Canvas -> Scroll pages -> choose Vertically?

I'm not sure I understood correctly, so feel free to ask again.


As far as I know, PDF doesn't have a concept of pages being side by side versus anything else - how pages are displayed is totally up to the program you use to display the PDF. What program are you using?

In reply to by Jerry Radcliffe

Well, this is not entirely true - the PDF format does allows a pdf creator to specify both the initial layout (single page, two pages, continuous view etc.) as well at the initial page mode (fullscreen, show outline etc.)
IIRC MuseScore uses QPrinter to generate the pdf file and that class unfortunately doesn't allow to set any of these parameters.
For your use case it might be easiest to change those layout/view mode settings with a small script. I personally use the PyPDF2 library (for Python) to do this.

In reply to by rmattes

While there are some settings that can be included as "serving suggestions", still, most PDF readers incldues ways of allowing the user to specify these things. I suspect the issue of horizontal versus vertical is a red herring though. iBooks displays all PDF's horizontally by default as far as I know. I suspect the issue is simply that iBooks don't support the specific page turning device being used, or it isn't connected properly (FWIW, see for example…). But in general, I'd recommend forScore over iBooks for music reading.

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