
• May 19, 2018 - 10:49

Hey, I would like to work with some automated sheet generation. I realize that the mscz file is just a zipped xml file (or I could just use the musicxml format). Great.

Next step was to export a file without opening the interface:
musescore -o output.mp3 ~/project.mscz

Great. It works even the the xml only version:
musescore -o output.mp3 ~/project.xml

I edited the xml and added a note to a measure, making it "wrong". I opened the interface, and, instead of crashing, displaying an error, the interface just displayed the note in grey and kept working as normal, in a very elegant fault-tolerant style. Therefore musescore is completely ready for automated music generation and can serve as its debugging tool.

I am just missing a bit of better navigation with the shortcuts (jumping to the beginning of a measure #, but, as I am newcomer, maybe I just don't know and how to do it), and then the highest level that is to be able to create macros for typing in the interface!!!

I get very frustrated with most software very quickly, but musescore incredibly survived everything -- Congrats to the great team!


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