Combining staves and text

• May 25, 2018 - 00:37

If the last line on this snippet was just text, I would be okay. But it includes three staves with notes. I managed to get everything but the notes created using text. However, I can't figure out how to insert the notes. Text will let me past a notehead over the stave, but it won't let me move it to the correct position.

My first thought was three bars of regular stave with four correctly placed frames for the text. However, another stave becomes linked to the stave already on the page; adjustments affect the existing work. Is there a way to insert a stave that's not connected to the music already on the page?


Attachment Size
p0860_music.jpg 96.83 KB
p0860_music.mscz 6.72 KB


Use MuseScore's image capture tool to create a picture, it looks like a camera on the toolbar. You can then put a picture of the note on the staff in your frame.

There will most likely be an intermediate step where you use a picture editing tool like Paint that comes with windows to adjust crop it so all 4 look good.

In reply to by mike320

This has been an all day learning curve, but I've finally completed this little snippet of music and am ready to move on to the next challenge. Along the way I learned about inputting percussion instruments, and I had never used a capture screen or drag and drop before. Plus there were a whole lot of things I did that simply didn't have an answer except to backtrack and start over.

Thank you, Mike. And thanks to everyone else who contributed. It's greatly appreciated. <3

Attachment Size
p0860_music.jpg 96.83 KB
p0860_music.png 55.5 KB
p0860_music AUDIO.mid 408 bytes

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