Voices, moving 2-3 to 1-2

• Jun 11, 2018 - 09:48

Hi again!

I have a score like this:


(imported from Reaper)
that is notated in 3 voices, but it should be 2.

How do I move voice 2 > 1
and 3 > 2

I've tried this:

But when I select whole system, filter voice 2,
then enter Note Input mode, selection disappears.



Wen back to Reaper,
as this was easier handled there, getting all notes into voice 2 and 3.
exporting xlm

Success :)

As usual, it's easier to help from am actual score, not a picture. And it sounds like you found an alternate solution to the problem at hand. But for the record, I think you were reading the wrong section of the Handbook. Try just above: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/voices#exchange-voices. This would work to exchange any pair of voices you want. Or, since you say the ultimate goal was to merge the voices, try Edit / Tools / Implode.

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