How to combine voices

• Jul 3, 2018 - 04:14

I'm trying to import a .mid file into musescore 2. It always does a weird thing where the right hand portion is split into two staves. When I combine the staves, there are two voices, resulting in a bunch of rests on top of and in the middle of notes. Some of the notes can be switched to voice one but the rests can't be deleted, they just become greyed out.

I have no clue what the next step should be, this is the first time I'm importing a .mid file.


Rest that are not in voice 1 can be deleted by pressing 'del' or 'delete' on a windows system. Voice 1 rests will become grayed out if you do this.

How are you combining the staves?
I'm guessing the two staves have different rhythms, so you will have to use voices.

Importing a MIDI file is a very chancy affair. There is no guarantee the contents are organized in a way that will make notation straightforward. If you attach the MIDI file in question we can take a look, but realize that MIDI simply wasn't intended for this purpose and lacks a lot of basic information a notation program would need. To the point where often it's faster to just enter the music normally.

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