Hide Backup Files in Version 2.3?

• Jul 5, 2018 - 17:17

I just upgraded to 2.3. In Windows 10 File Explorer I have hidden files set to not be visible. When I click to open a file from MS, I can see the backup files (that start with .). Aren't MS backup files considered "hidden" by default?

I can also see these backup files in File Explorer, even though hidden files aren't supposed to be visible.


If you can see them in Windows Explorer, they are either not hidden, of your system is not configured to not show hidden files.
Right-click on such a file, properties and you should see whether they are hidden or not.
Nothing in 2.3 got changed in this respect

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks! I confirmed that hidden files and folders marked with a hidden attribute ARE actually hidden (for example I can't see the ProgramData folder on the C: drive).

I then clicked on Properties for several MS backup files and NONE are marked with the Hidden attribute. Shouldn't they be?

In reply to by darkstream

I just tested this with version 2.3 on my windows 10 system and my backups are hidden. I keep my hidden files displayed, so I right clicked the backup and it had the hidden attribute. I then deleted the backup, forced MuseScore to make another backup (by reopening and saving my file) and the backup still had the hidden attribute. Something caused your backups to become unhidden, but it wasn't MuseScore.

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