Abbreviated instrument names collide in translations

• Jul 10, 2018 - 10:30
Reported version
S4 - Minor

Abbrev. instrument names for Winds and Women collide.
Both abbreviate to "W." in English, but e.g. In German they abbreviate to "H." (for "Holzblasinstrumente" or "Holzbläser") and "F." (for Frauen) respectively, but when adding Women (Frauen) to a score, they get abbreviated as "H.".
Somehow the context doesn't seem to honoured?

IIRC Men and Women got added in 2.2, issue exists in 2.3.1 and master


Probably changing the "Winds" abbreviation from "W." to "Wi." helps, also matches the 2-character abbreviation for Brass ("Br.") and Strings ("St.").

Should the instrument "Winds" get changed to "Winds section" (and "Strings" to "String section", abbrev. "Ss.", and "Brass" to "Brass section", abbrev. "Bs.", the latter also to separate it from the instrument group of the same name and so allow for different translations, e.g. "Holzblasinstrumente" for the group vs. "Blechbläser" for the section)?

Title Abbrev. instrument names for Winds and Women collide Abbreviated instrument names collide in translations

Same issue with the abbreviations for Brass and Brač, in English both abbreviated to "Br.", but in German to "Bl." and "Br." respectively.
There are probably more such collisions.

There are many colisions, indeed. I think this is not as problematic as I thought at the beginning. The problem arises when it is likely that two items are to be used in the same score. For instance Brass and Brač seem unlikely together since Brass is quite unspecific while Brač is very specific (and usually is featured in a tamburica ensemble). Besides, a brass ensemple would probably mask the sound of Brač, so it seems to be an unlikely combination. Of course nothing is impossible, but in that case the user can adapt the abbreviation.

The problem is not in English, but e.g. in German, you can't (successfully) translate (and use) the abbreviations mentioned above differently, instead you get the one that matches the 1st English original text.