Tempo with Da Segno al Coda during playback

• Jul 10, 2018 - 17:37


It seems that Musescore treats tempo markings as something that is applied to the rest of the score or until another tempo marking. However, I've learnt that tempo markings should only apply when they're actually encountered. Is there any way to make Musescore behave that way?

My question probably doesn't seem clear, but see the attached file: the tempo is at 100 just before the DS al Coda sign, and jumps to 150 right after the Segno. That's because there's a 150 marking, but it is placed before the Segno. I would like Musescore to never change tempo UNLESS the playback actually goes over a tempo marking. Or maybe there's a possible workaround, but I haven't found it?

Thanks for your help in advance

Attachment Size
Tempo.mscz 9.08 KB


I think it would be easier to write the score in full or, for the performer (without playback), Ctrl+T to indicate something as 'only the first time'.

In reply to by Shoichi

I don't know if it is something that is country-specific but, in every group I've played with so far, what I wish to do is considered the standard. Is it not the case everywhere? Am I supposed to remember that the tempo is different when I have to jump back 50 measures? Even though you could just add a tempo marking right at the segno if you wanted what is the default in Musescore right now? This seems odd to me.

Writing in full would of course be a possibility but I'd be forced to maintain both versions of the score at the same time since the printed out scores must be as small as possible (for a marching band). I already have to do so for pieces where the tempo accelerates over repeats, but I'd like to avoid it (if possible).

In reply to by FienteZBB

I would say what you have written is ambiguous, and there is no way for a performer to know if you want 100 or 150 at that point. I've enver seen any published music with a DS that expects the passage to be played at a different tempo on the DS, but if someone wanted to do that, I'd expect them to put in an explicit direction to that effect.

Anyhow, it's true MuseScore doesn't currently allow tempo (or other playback parameters like dynamics) to differ between repeats.

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