Problems using ornate 'x' noteheads

• Jul 13, 2018 - 10:32

I'm trying to use the ornate 'x' noteheads instead of the standard ones on my guitar staves. I can find the notehead symbol and add it as a custom shape to the noteheads palette, no problem.

However, when I try to change a notehead, instead of replacing the old one it just sticks it right on top, so the two noteheads blend together, like this:

Okay, I can just make the original noteheads invisible. It's a bit annoying that they are still blocking my view of the ornate 'x' heads, but it becomes a major issue when I can see that the 'x' on the note with stem facing up doesn't align with the stem! There is a significant gap between the two.

Is there any way to correct this? I could manually alter the horizontal offset, but 1) I can't see properly to align it, because the invisible notehead is in the way, and 2) I don't want to have to manually realign all of the ornate 'x' noteheads across all of my scores!

Is it possible to have the ornate 'x' completely replace the standard notehead, like a normal 'x' does?

I can see that there is no alignment issue with the downward facing stem, but the vast majority of my scores will have them facing up.

Thank you for any help.


Use Inspector and change notehead group to cross? Or use the existing cross oted head from the palette rather than adding one your own and don't get confused by the fact that the palette shows the hollow half note cross

In reply to by Matthew Notley

select the existing notehead (remove the added one) then either use inspector or palette double click to change it. The one you added to the palette is just a graphics thing, not a real 'first class citizen' of that palette (and probably also from a different musical font, Bravura rather than Emmentaler)

Edit: ah, I see, "Ornate X notehead" is a glyph MuseScore doesn't fully support as a note head, so Just use the "X notehead (black, half, whole, double whole)"

In reply to by Daniel

Yes, I'm attempting to re-create the style of the gorgeous old IMP "off the record" sheet music books made by Barnes Music Engraving. They still remain the best scores I've seen for visual presentation (of rock/pop music, at least). MuseScore is allowing me to come very close, but the ornate noteheads are one of the missing ingredients!

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