Save basic tags settings for new score generation. Musescore 3.0

• Jul 16, 2018 - 05:59

This topic is about this pull request:

As commented here ( by lasconic,
* - Save basic settings like composer lyricist, default number of measures, etc. in QSettings.
This is good for composers, a lot less for transcribers etc... I'm not sure the majority of users will like to have to delete composer and lyricist for each new score.*

So should tags like composer, lyricist, etc. be saved And so people that don’t want them would remove them. Or should they be cleared every time (for now, at every restart), and people that want them would rewrite them every time.

It would actually be quite easy to add an (advanced) option to save them, but once again, as said by lasconic, adding too much options to the Ui isn’t good either.

Should saving those settings be completely removed from the code?

And the second thing is about tracking the work number.
For now it’s disabled by default, and can only be enabled via the advanced preferences tab. But this is also a new gagdget. Should it be removed?


should tags like composer, lyricist, etc. be saved
No, the only one I've ever considered a want for saving is the number of measures as I often create small examples, and for me having a default of 6 measure would often be a little easier.

When I do write one of my compositions or larger transcriptions where consequently a lot of information is the same, I will almost always want nearly identical style settings as well. In the case of movements, I'm very likely to be using a large part (if not all) of the identical instrumentation as well.
So the easiest thing there for me is to simply start by opening the current/previous movement and then Save As…

While a template could help me out here as well for the most part, I don't bother with it for only 3-4 similar pieces.

I indeed would only find this useful if I'm transcribing/composing many files with the same properties; but even there lyricists alter, some parts are co-composed, so I'd have to edit those fields manually anyway.

For me, having these fields saved as MuseScore Settings would result in more time lost than gained, so that's why my answer to that feature is "No".

In reply to by ecstrema


As I personally wouldn't use it, I don't have a need for it. I slightly side with lasconic's bloatware warning on this, although I'm more lenient about it than he is.

I think I'd feel more for these things to be stored in the template, rather than as a global setting. As I do switch between composing for/transcribing of a small group of bands and each of those bands currently already has its own template.

Not that this is the simplest to implement, but I think my ideal would be for the dialog to start empty but for fields to auto-complete as you type, based on past entries. Maybe showing a dropdown of recently-used values. Basically, like what most (?) web browsers do when filling in forms.

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