
• Jul 30, 2018 - 14:12

Can anyone tell me how to attach this file to Musescore?

Attachment Size 8.52 KB


In reply to by SLJK

The zip archive you attached contains a MuseScore plugin, and I linked to the handbook page that explains how to install such a plugin.
If you don't understand my reply or if your question wasn't about how to install this plugin, I guess you'd need to explain your problem better.

In reply to by SLJK

That is the handbook which describes how to install a plugin. So what steps exactly are you not understanding, what did you try and where did you get stuck or what didn't work as described there?

Most plugins are provided as ZIP archives, so download the plugin's .zip file and uncompress it to one of the directories mentioned below
This is true for the plugin you attached

_ you can add other plugins to %HOMEPATH%\Documents\MuseScore2\Plugins, or specify a different folder to look for plugins in MuseScore's Preferences._
Assuming you're on Windows.
Then continue with

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