No "Styles" xml files in folder?

• Aug 16, 2018 - 04:04

Recently installed MuseScore, latest version from this website 2.3.2. I dislike how diminished chords are displayed, as well as "add" and "sus" -- I prefer them at a superscript level.

I want to make my own custom style, but there are no files inside my "Documents/MuseScore2/Styles" folder. I have "show hidden files" on, if that matters. Windows 10, btw.

Where can I find the styles files to edit?



Note that superscripting is the default if you use the Jazz style in Style / General / Chord Symbols. It's not actually very common to superscript most of those symbols in published music that doesn't use that type of font, although of course there are about as many standards as there are publishers.

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