MIDI File Staff Limit?

• Aug 21, 2018 - 20:37

I'm trying to open a midi file that has 11 separate staves/channels. All of them don't come through. Is there a limit?


Here's a chunk of the MIDI file with 11 staves. They use MIDI channels 1-9,11& 12. Channels 1-8 use the grand piano instrument patch, 9-10 use String Ensemble 1, and 12 uses Wood Block. The file was created in Noteworthy Composer. Noteworthy can't handle the complex tuplets I need, so I want to import it into MuseScore to edit the bars with the tuplets. However, only some of the tracks come through.

Attachment Size
Test Last Words 3.mid 1.13 KB

In reply to by alto606

If you can get a MusicXML file out of Noteworthy Composer, you're much better off than resorting to MIDI. I understand it might be possible indirectly, do some searching for info.

If all you can get is the MIDI, you will probably end up having to redo a lot of stuff (particularly regarding voice/staff assignment and rhythms), but you shouldn't have any trouble getting all the notes.

Anyhow, as far as I can tell there is nothing on most of those tracks. MuseScore only imports tracks that have content.

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