Printing Problems

• Aug 27, 2018 - 17:48

Mr. Sabatella, thank you for your prompt response.

I get the same results printing directly from musescore or printing from an exported PDF.

When I removed the lyrics inserteed via system text, I got a better print out. Legibility problems ar now probably due to my printer.

Should I be able to force lyric text into the score using the system text feature or do lyrics always need to be attached to notes? when I do the latter the score prints correctly.

I do use system text to provide performance information to players during certain sections of the score. Is that a correct use of this feature?

Thanks for the help


Does the PDF look OK on screen, though? If so, then this suggests the problem is with your printer. If not, might be a font problem, and I'd need you to do the other things I asked. Best to respond as a reply in the same thread, btw, rather than starting a new new as you did here.

To answer your question about entering lyrics as system text, that should in no way affect printing. It's not a good idea in general for other reasons (won't format properly, etc) but if you aren't going to enter notes - not even invisible notes in another voice - then it's not a terrible idea.

System text is the same as staff text except for scores for more than instrument / voice. Staff text will appear only on the current part whereas system text will appear on all parts. So text that is relevant to all parts should be system text; text only relevant to a single part should be staff text.

I hope this is the correct way to reply. I am very new to this system. sorry for the complications.
When I tried to reply via email I get a noreply@musescore address.

The musescore document and the PDF documents look great on the computer screen.

As far as the font issue goes, I have not made any deliberate font choices in Musescore.

thanks for the explanation about the difference between system and staff text. I think a better
choice for what I am doing would be staff text. I will try that approach.

I will try different fonts and try printing with another printer to see what happens.

Again, thanks for your exceedingly prompt responses. I am trying to get these arrangements out to
my band before the next gig.

BTW, I love the software.

In reply to by rocket77

Yep, you got the reply right! Indeed, you can't reply by email, but you can click the link in the email to get back to the forum (or just go to yourself and then Support / Forum), and then reply from there.

If the PDF looks fine on screen, then that pretty much definitely shows it is a not a MuseScore problem but a printer and/or font problem, so indeed, trying other fonts and printers makes sense. Meanwhile, you could also try sending the band the PDF's and letting them print their own parts

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