Consistent frame sizing from part to part?

• Sep 24, 2018 - 00:00

I'm working on an arrangement for my band with clip art on the sides of the music (an aesthetic choice). To make room for the pictures, I'm using horizontal frames to make spaces for the pictures, but I have 20+ pieces to arrange with 30 parts each. Is there any way to make the size of frames consistent in each part so I don't have to size each one manually?


The Inspector should accomplish that. BTW, not sure exactly how you're laying this out, but if you are trying to put a frame at the start of each system, a much easier method would be to increase the margins in Layout / Page Settings. But if it's just before the first system or whatever, then indeed frames are a good way to go.

In reply to by dragonsocks1702

Well, if you need the margins to differ from song to song as you show here (graphic to left of one song, to right of next, etc), and to have multiple songs in one file, then no, you won't be able to get this effect with page settings - those are global. So instead I'd add the frames as you have been and use the Inspector to set their widths consistently.

However, if it were me, I probably be thinking about other ways of doing this. Depending on how many songs and how many parts we are dealing with, I'd probably be looking at having each song in its own file, generating the parts, exporting the parts to PNG, then pasting up the results in a word processor or similar program.

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