Scroll the score horizontally instead of moving the blue bar cursor in "Continuous View"

• Sep 28, 2018 - 17:40

I have MIDI hooked up to my Roland organ to the computer with MuseScore. I use a large monitor to display my MuseScore music sheet on the monitor. I would set my organ and MuseScore at the same tempo. I then play the organ together with MuseScore. This way I don't have to turn paper music sheets. I would put MuseScore either in "Page View" for short scores and in "Continuous View" for long scores when I play the organ. The blue bar cursor in MuseScore indicating the note being played would move across and down the page. My eye would follow along to play the note, with or without sound from MuseScore on my organ In page view, the transition from the end of one page to the beginning of the next page would be from the lower right corner and jump to the upper left corner. With long scores, I play In Continuous view, the blue bar goes from left to right and jump back to left at the when the blue bar jumps to the right edge. This jumping abruptly back to the left, I then move my eyesight back to the left. Depending on the tempo of the score, this eye movement is distracting and tiring.
My suggestion is, in Continuous View, to allow the blue bar to stay in the Middle and scroll the music score across the page instead. This way the user can just look at the center of the monitor screen without look left to right and back to left. The user would be much more comfortable and undistracted.


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