Odd behavior when selecting and moving an accent.

• Sep 30, 2018 - 19:52

At the moment if I want to move various elements I need to select them and then I can move them using the arrow keys. If I want a larger movement I can add the CTRL key. Up/down, left/right.

When I select the accent articulation, it works as expected in the up/down direction.

However, when I use the L/R arrow keys, instead of moving the accent, the the note which the accent is on is selected instead and so the selected note/rest is changed.

I am able to overcome that by double clicking the selection, but this is inconsistent with other elements.


By design?
Double-clicking allows to move notes, rests, and various elements. But a click on a lyric and right/left arrow adapts the notes to the lyric (?!?)

In reply to by Shoichi

Not exactly. Lyrics are text, so single clicking a lyric does indeed move it, same for up/down for left/right. However, lyrics are indeed special in that unlike other elements, they affect the spacing of the score, and MuseScore is careful not to allow lyrics to overlap. So just as lengthening a lyric adds space, moving the lyric also adds space in a way that prevents the lyrics from overlapping. Depending on what else is going on, this could indeed have the side of making it seem like the note is moving. Well, it is moving, but only because of the space you are requesting and the need to avoid overlap).

In reply to by Shoichi

Agreed. Not really sure what the best alternative is, though. I doubt people really want lyrics to overlap, and at this point it would probably be harder to allow that than not, since the code is written very specially to avoid it. I guess we could stop obeying the left/right arrows once the lyric hits the previous/next one, but that of course could change if the layout changes later.

The inconsistent behavior depending on the direction you move the accent should not be by design. Arrows should always move the accent the same amount if it's up and down or left and right.

Not sure why you say needing to double-click is inconsistent - it is how the vast majority of elements in MuseScore are moved. The main exception is text, where edit mode is how you actually modify the text so in that case, we allows the element to be moved by cursor after only a single click. Also, of course, up & down (but not right & left!) work to transpose notes, and also move rests in similar increments. But even for notes and rests, double-click is required for Edit mode in order to make finer adjustments.

I think it's a bug that up/down does anything after only single-clicking an articulation. Probably harmless, and maybe even slightly convenient at times, but inconsistent, since most elements do not allow motion after only a single click. It's good that this bug only exists for up/down, though, because left/right needs to continue to be available to move the cursor.

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