Inserting signs into notes instead bars

• Oct 1, 2018 - 18:19


I want to know if some signs (Coda, specifically, but not the only one) can be put (inserted) on the score in another point that the bar first bit.

There are some times when the parts start not at the first bit of the bars, so... We want to put those signs into the first NOTE of the part, not into the first bit of the bar.

Is it possible? How?

Blessings & Greetings from Chile!!!



Codas should never be anywhere but at the start of a measure. It's not correct/standard notation so musicians encountering would almost surely not understand your intent. Same with rehearsal marks. If you have some special reason to want to violate this rule, you can always use the "Split measure" function to divide the measure (and feel free to hide the barline while you're at it). but I strongly advise against it.

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