Linked Guitar Tab stuck on fret 0

• Oct 4, 2018 - 21:44

I play lap steel guitar with a Leavitt tuning. From Low to High it is C#(3) E(3) G(3) Bb(3) C(4) D(4).

I edited the staff properties to change the string assignments. All the strings work as expected except the fifth one. It will only accept fret 0 when editing the tab staff.

Each string has 20 frets specified.

All the other strings work as described in the manual.

Any ideas ???


In reply to by Ed Baker

Whereas the single term "open" string causes a lot of confusion and misinterpretation among the guitarists (probably because it is too connoted with that of open tunings), I think it is time to join in the handbook the term open and unfretted (edit: done)

The unfretted term is the most important of the two (it supposes to play an open/unfretted string, obligatorily, and all the time, as extra basses of the lutes, hence the functionality), whereas the term "open" string, as understood by the contemporary guitarists, belongs to the vocabulary of different/alternative tunings.
And in this case, this string/ these strings can be fretted, they. Hence the observed confusion: but it's not the goal of this feature, simply.

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