Pure graphic mode?

• Oct 5, 2018 - 22:52

Would it be possible to develop a version of musescore, that works in a pure graphic mode?

A version that doesn't has any automatics. For example no filling in of rests, no correction of errors: for example when I put 5 quarternotes in a 4/4-mesure etc. A version, that leaves the notes just there, where I put them, without stretching or compressing and all that? It would not be necessary, that the programm plays the music, that I write. It should just leave the things there, where I place it. No linechange ("Zeilenumbruch") and all this. Just graphic, like writing with a pencil and a piece of paper?

Would that be possible?



While it would be possible to write such a program, it wouldn't be musescore.
Jokingly put; if you want a graphics program, then use one (mspaint ;) ).

But FWIW, in MuseScore 3 it will be possible to "insert" and "delete notes, thus changing the length of the measure. So if that's your main reason for asking for pure graphics, that may help. Really, a pure graphics mode would be a disaster. every time you add a note you need to manually move more everything else to the right to make room for it Manually decide when things are too crowded on one line so you have to move one measure down to the next line? Manually re-distributed the notes on both lines to accommodate that change? This would set you back a thousand-fold. But indeed, if you want that, mspaint could work; Inkscape is a good open source graphics editor.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

No, the idea is to have just the same intuitive workflow as with a pencil and have a professional layout anyway. I am really fast with the pencil and don't have to do corrections after writing it down. Musescore slows me down, because I have to do corrections on layout and other things after writing.

Inkscape is not a solution, it's total unintuitive for writing notes and doesn't has a professional result. I tried it ... :D

In reply to by McCoy1

Everything I just said applies to pencil too :-). Insert four sixteenth notes between the E and D in the RH of your example above and you will need to erase everything after that to shift it over. You don't really want MuseScore to force that on you, do you? No, the automatic layout is a fantastic thing. And again, if the goal is just to have MuseScore allow you to have four beats in a measure even in 3/4, this is already possible via Measure Properties, but as mentioned, 3.0 will have the ability to insert extra notes more directly. Aside from that, though, it isn't really clear what you are looking for. Maybe a specific example would help?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It occurs to me you may actually be thinking of what is sometimes called a "scratch pad" mode, where you can delete notes and other notes magically move over not just horizontally in space but actually move earlier in later in time as well. This is quite a bit more automation than currently exists - right now changes to one note in a measure leave subsequent notes unaffected in time position. But I have a feeling this is what you mean, since the effect "seems" more like pencil and paper, where adding or erasing a note does in effect result in subsequent notes within the measure moving in time as well. Of course, then it is totally your responsibility to be sure you complete the job and end up with the proper number of beats in the measure when you're done.

If that sort of extreme automation is what you actually mean, then the new insert / delete facility in 3.0 will be a good step in that direction.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The music is ready in my head, before I write it down. There is no necessity to insert anything. The trial-and-error-thing I do on the instrument, not in musescore. The goal is not, to have 4 quarters in a 3/4 mesure. The goal is, to work more intuitive and faster. And to save time by avoiding a lots of layout work after finishing the composition. Just like the old engravers: They think of the layout, before they engrave the first note. One goal is, to work without the need of remembering too much shortcuts or menu-positions. I'm looking forward to 3.0. Maybe, that helps.

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