How do I play a piano using midi-->usb-->MuseScore, so that MuseScore creates a sheet AND the other way round

• Oct 18, 2018 - 11:59

I would like the play the piano (Yamaha NP12) and see the sheet develop in MuseScore using midi (USB-cable from piano to pc.
On the other hand would I like to be able to listen to a sheet in MuseScore, but via the piano (again using the midi-usb connection between pc and piano.
I cannot se the channels in the button of my screen, as mentioned in HELP (midi-import).
Is it because I need the PRO-version or... ?
Yours, Saurbrey


While it is indeed possible to connect your keyboard to your computer and use it to input notes, if you were hoping for a magic mode where you could just play anything you wanted and it would be autoamtically turned into readable notation, I'm afraid AI hasn't come that far yet. You'll still need to carefully enter music one note at a time, or in a limited way you can enter rhythmically simple lines in real time. But technology is nowhere near to the point where you can just play whatever and have it understood.

As for having MsueScore's playback go to your keyboard, that should be possible, just go to Edit / Preferences / I/O and be sure it is selected as the MIDI Output device.

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