Manage Meta Tags and Custom Text Styles
Main question 1: Is there a way to manage existing and/or added meta tags? I created a new meta tag field using the "+" button on the Score Properties popup, but would like to modify the name of the field.
Less important related question 1A: There are several meta tags I will never use, and I'd like to delete those to declutter the menu. Is this possible?
Main question 2: How do I link user added Text Styles to user added Meta Tags? Ex: I've created a "genre/feel" meta tag I'd like displayed in the lower left portion of the header, but I want to change the default text attributes applied to that field.
Follow-up: When MuseScore updates are released, can custom meta tags and text styles I've created be preserved somehow, or will I have to re-create them in the newer version?
Thanks for any suggestions.
1) You can add them, but not modify existing ones' names or delete them (without resorting to hand-editing the score)
2) by using html like code
, there are some more (underline, font size and -face), got discussed not too long ago