Inconsistent beam height with 8th note groupings

• Nov 25, 2018 - 11:28

When making groups of two 8th notes, the beams are higher than they are with groups of 4 8th notes. I can manually edit this by changing the user position parameter of the group of 4 to 0.05 sp (or vice versa), but this is quite labour intensive for something I'd expect to be a standard choice in general layout neatness.

Is there a general setting I am missing somehow?

Attachment Size
test.mscz 2.9 KB
Screenshot 2018-11-25 at 12.26.57.png 32.2 KB


No. Layout rules for beams are incredibly complicated, and sets of two notes beamed are treated specially, sometimes resulting in different results than larger groups. If it bothers you, then manual adjustment is the way to go. BTW, instead of using the Inspector, I find it easier to double click the beam and use the handles, with Up/Down arrows or Ctrl+Up/Down to move in 1sp increments.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your answer Marc. That's a shame though. I can understand that the layout rules are complicated with the myriad of combinations possible. But for a batch of notes of the same pitch (like in my example) the current default looks kinda amateurish. I'll stick to manually adjusting then for now.

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