How to correct horizontal position when bracketing / bracing instruments?

• Nov 26, 2018 - 17:06

I have transcribed a work for double string orchestra, trying to copy the layout of the original 1924 published score.
Rootham - Rhapsody for Double String Orchestra - Murdoch 1924 edition.png

The auto-positioning of the brackets is fine: one bracket covers Orchestra A, the other covers Orchestra B. But the horizontal positioning of the braces is inconsistent for Orchestra A: the attached score (MSCZ format) shows that the brace for Cellos and D-Basses is overlapping the bracket.

Is there any workaround for this, or is this a straight bug?

Many thanks for advice.


At least there's a workaround with the development version: Select the brace and change the column to "2" inside the inspector.

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