Having issues with layered playback

• Nov 27, 2018 - 05:42


I am on Mac OS 10.14. My Musescore version is 2.3.2 and the revision is 4592407. I hope that I have done that all correctly.

Since updating to 2.3.2, I have had problems with playback. Initially, I was unable to actually hear anything at all, although I managed to fix that. However now, I am finding that if I include two or more of the same instrument playing the same line in a piece (which I would do to thicken the texture and increase the overall volume) that the playback becomes messy and can sound either like it is jumping between octaves, or the tone of the instrument changes (e.g. the trumpet becomes more tinny and distant). The issue is most obvious with brass instruments.

The example I have included features layered trumpets heavily, and thus shows the issue most obviously so hopefully will be helpful.

I have searched in the forums and found nothing, and been unable to fix the problem myself. I enjoy playing back the pieces so it has been frustrating with this issue. Please help!

Thanks - Miffycato

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Martha's_Quest.mscz 10.01 KB


It's unfortunately a normal and inevitable part of how MIDI works, ever since the very first polyphonic synths, that trying to play the note with the same sound twice will yield audio artifacts. It's what happens when the same waveform is added upon itself - you get "phase" effects. People have been dealing with this for decades. Common workarounds including silencing one note (via the Inspector), offsetting one note to start a little later (via the Piano Roll Editor), changing the dynamic or velocity of one note so you end up with a different waveform, etc.

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