Changes in Nightly files

• Nov 28, 2018 - 20:58

I downloaded the nightly af128b5 and replaced my existing nightly file like I've been doing forever. This is so my task bar shortcut still works. I clicked my shortcut and got the same version as I previously had installed. The change is that the nightly.exe got renamed to MuseScore3.exe. I suspect this is because this is an update to the beta, my previous version was an update to alpha 2.

Hopefully this will help others not make my same mistake.


This is indeed needed for installed version of MuseScore, like the Beta, so it can register itself for the file types it handles, but still allow for the right-click on a file context menu to have different entries for "Open with", here for mscore (1.x), MuseScore (2.x) and now MuseScore3 (3.x)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I didn't install the beta, so I didn't know it went through the install process. The alphas didn't go through the install process. I'm not sure I want my mscz files registered with the beta, so it's probably a good thing. I prefer getting the error in version 2 so I'll know it's a version 3 file being downloaded.

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